Rear Wheel Arch Repair - FHC & 2+2 - Outer - LH
This panel is patterned after an original Series 1 E-Type, but is the same on all 6-cylinder cars - Series 1, 1.5, and 2. It is recommended for Coupes and 2+2's where the wheel arch has an inner wheel-well that traps moisture and rusts along the edge, but this piece CAN be used for roadsters as well. (see our other panel specifically for Roadsters...)
It is correct in every dimension - including the thickness, the location and angles of the bends and flanges, and curvature.We recently went to GREAT LENGTHS to make sure that these panels are EXACT!
These have been available for years from other suppliers, but I must say that their is NO COMPARISON between theirs and ours! For starters, theirs is almost dead flat out of the box, and does not have the proper curvature of the body... I also do not like the radius of their edge - it is too soft - and obviously hand-hammered - so it is "lumpy" on top of that. This all means that your body man is going to be finishing off the edge properly with filler or high-build primer to make the edge as crisp as it should be, and that is a very BAD place for filler, and it will eventually start flaking off that edge!
Our edges are a crisp 90-degree bend - and they match the original wheel arch shape EXACTLY!
Purchasing the matching INNER wheel arch with this is HIGHLY recommended - you will need it! The edge of our inner repair panel is just as correct and crisp, and they fit into the arched edge of the outer piece BEAUTIFULLY - MUCH better than even the factory built cars! It truly is a joy to pull them off the shelf and tuck them into this piece for shipping, and see that perfect fit - I know you will be VERY pleased!
Delivered in fresh, bare steel coated in a light oil for rust-prevention, simply wipe down with solvent before priming.