Bonnet Inner Valance Wall - Series 2 RH
E-Type Bonnet Inner Valance Wall - Series 2 RH
Fits all Series 2 OTS, FHC, and 2+2 E-Types.
This piece is an EXACT reproduction of the original, and can be used to salvage your inner valance without the high expense of a poor quality reproduction - if you can find one... Made from fresh cold-rolled steel, we use these constantly in the shop to salvage rusted and wrecked inner valances - they are DEAD ON!
This is not a glamorous part by any stretch, but it needs to be correct and straight in order for proper bonnet alignment during re-assembly. In addition, the wall itself is painted in body color and is a large, flat area that really shows damage in a completed restoration.
The inner valances are a two-piece structure - a curved "tube" section that is pot-welded to a mostly flat "wall" section. Typically, rust builds up within this spot-welded seam and rusts through the wall itself, which is very difficult to repair with a good, flat result. Her at Monocoque Metalworks, we carefully separate the wall and tube sections by drilling out the spot-welds through the wall side, the restore and re-use the tube section and spot-weld it back onto this new wall section.
NOTE: The last 4 photos show these walls sections being used in our shop to restore original inner valances by re-using the original tube section. This listing is for the wall section ONLY - you must salvage and re-use your original tube section.
We have sold dozens of these and use them in our shop regularly - they are perfect reproductions and will really improve the underside appearance - AND the alignment of your bonnet!
Delivered in fresh, bare steel coated in a light oil for rust-prevention, simply wipe down with solvent before priming.